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How Do I Call Lufthansa From Europe?

If you want to call Lufthansa from Europe, You only need to dial Lufthansa's phone number Europe +49 (0) 69 867 99400, +43 (0) 120 609 2773, and +41 (0) 22 761 4522. After that, your call will be connected to a live person in a short period. Once you have connected to a live person, you need to make sure that you have selected the right options on the IVR.  For example - if you have a query regarding the cancellation of your flight. Then you would need to choose the option of "Cancellation." Once you have selected that, then in a short period, your call will land to the agent trained to handle these kinds of queries. 

Lufthansa Customer Hotlines Europe

Lufthansa Airlines has made sure to all the customers, it should be straightforward to contact them using the required location hotline number across Europe.

Country Hotline Number Service Hour
Germany +49 (0) 69 867 99400 Mon.–Fri., 08.00–22.00 hours
Austria +43 (0) 120 609 2773 Mon.–Fri., 08.00–22.00 hours
Switzerland +41 (0) 22 761 4522 Mon.–Fri., 08.00–22.00 hours
Spain +34 (0) 910 900 700 Mon.–Fri., 08.00–22.00 hours
Italy +39 (0) 2999 539 20 Mon.–Fri., 08.00–22.00 hours
France +33 (0) 387 130 113 Mon.–Fri., 08.00–22.00 hours
Luxembourg +352 (0) 34 2080 8063 Mon.–Fri., 08.00–22.00 hours
Belgium +32 (0) 2700 6452 Mon.–Fri., 08.00–22.00 hours
The Netherlands +31 (0) 70 770 9396 Mon.–Fri., 08.00–22.00 hours
United Kingdom +44 (0) 151 237 3300 Mon.–Fri., 08.00–21.00 hours
Denmark +45 (0) 433 14 889 Mon.–Fri., 08.00–22.00 hours
Norway +47 (0) 230 249 69 Mon.–Fri., 08.00–22.00 hours
Finland +358 (0) 972 522 134 Mon.–Fri., 08.00–23.00 hours
Greece +30 (0) 21 11986230 Mon.–Fri., 08.00–23.00 hours

How Can I Reach Lufthansa from Europa? 

When you need to reach Lufthansa from Europe, Just call the Lufthansa customer service phone number Europe, that is +43 (0) 120 609 2773, +49 (0) 69 867 99400, and +41 (0) 22 761 4522. Once you have dialed it, you need to select the correct options related to your query. Soon, your call will land on the customer support member who is trained to fix that particular kind of query. 

From Germany, if you're looking for a reliable and safe airline. Then the first name you'll come across is undoubtedly going to be Lufthansa Airlines. Lufthansa Airline has ensured that you get quick service without waiting on hold for a long time. That is why you need to select the right option from the menu offered to you by the automated voice service.

Can I email Lufthansa? 

Yes, undoubtedly using the official email id customer.relations@lufthansa.com you can email and reach with Lufthansa customer support team. 

Not only by the official number but also with the help of customer support, you can connect with Lufthansa Airlines. You only need to ensure that you have gone through the correct steps to get the right email address. You can follow the path below to connect with them through email. 

  • Get on the Lufthansa'sLufthansa's official email address. 
  • Once you're there, then you would need to tap on the button "Help and contact." this option would be available at the end of the page, under the heading of "Customer services." 
  • Select that button, you will come across the official email address of Lufthansa. You only need to make sure that you have written your query correctly in the email. You can even attach the relevant documents. In that manner, your email is undoubtedly going to get more value. 

Within a short period, you'll receive a reply regarding the query you have asked through email. 

How do I send an email to Lufthansa? 

To send the email to Lufthansa, you only need to get on the website of Lufthansa and tap on the button "Help & contact." Now on the next page, you'll come across the official email address of Lufthansa Airlines customer.relations@lufthansa.com. You only need to select the address and compose an email regarding your query. Once you have done that, you would need to enter the official email address. 

That is it. You'reYou're ready to send your email. However, at the same time, you would need to make sure that you have also attached some relevant documents to your query. In case you have some. In that manner, you'll be able to create more value in your email. After that, in a short period, you'll receive a reply from Lufthansa customer service Europe. That would be a permanent solution to your query. 

How do I make a formal complaint to Lufthansa?

Lufthansa Airlines understands that there can be a situation where customers need to connect with customer support, not only for query resolution but also for complaints. You can connect with the complaints team by filling up the customer feedback form. For that, you can follow the path below. 

  • Get on Lufthansa's website. 
  • In the search area, write "Feedback form." 
  • That is it. Now open the form, and register the complaint you have. 

Customer support will soon come up with a solution in a short period. The Lufthansa customer service 24 hours in Europe will provide you with a solution in a short period. They'll make sure that you get a quick and permanent solution.
